Essay: 6 Things I’d like to say to Ivy in the zest (OrangeApplePress), January 2022
Flash Fiction: Hydration in Reflex Fiction, August 2021.
Flash fiction (in Danish): Væskeindtag in Slagtryk, June 2021. (See also video on Patreon)
Lyrical Essay: There is a Sea in BlueHouseJournal, Issue 3, November 2020.
Poem (in Danish): Forår Mælketænder in Slagtryk, November 2020.
Poem (in Danish): 6 Myrer in the anthology Spillekort med digte, Forlaget Ekbátana (Part of the exhibition Drømmebøger at the Royal Danish Library in Copenhagen, October 2020)
Languages: English to Danish / German to Danish
What: Narrative prose & Poetry
Contact anki.writing at gmail dot com